EO-ALERT Technical Workshop on the Satellite Processing Chain for Rapid Civil Alerts
Hosted by the EO-ALERT Consortium, with funding from the EU-H2020. The 27th of November the first EO-ALERT workshop will take place in Madrid with the scope of:
- Presenting the EO-ALERT architecture and technological developments for satellites, with on-board processing and re-configurable data handling, providing globally very low latency (<5 minutes) EO images and products.
- Dicussing the operational scenarios and services enabled by these innovations, and interacting with European stakeholders.
Among the invited audience there will be European academic and industrial EO experts, EO service providers and End Users.

Description of the event
The workshop is on Satellite processing chains for very low latency EO products. The main objectives of the workshop are to present the status of the H2020 EO-ALERT project and to promote interaction with representatives of EO industry and institutions, the EO academic community and with EO End Users. The workshop also provides a general forum for the discussion of new satellite data handling and processing architectures, and the EO services that they facilitate.
EO-ALERT is an H2020 project that proposes the definition and development of the next-generation EO data and processing chain, based on a novel flight segment architecture that moves optimised key EO data processing elements from the ground segment to on-board the satellite. The project aims at achieving a very low latency (< 5 minutes) in the delivery of Earth observation images and products.

EO-ALERT solves the very low latency EO data challenge through a combination of innovations in the on-board elements of the data chain and the communications. Namely, the architecture introduces innovative technological solutions, including: on-board image generation and processing for the generation of EO products and alerts for SAR and optical payloads; AI based on-board data compression and encryption; on-board reconfigurable data handling; high-speed on-board avionics; and reconfigurable high data rate communication links to ground.