The EO-ALERT End-User Workshop took place virtually the 18th of October 2021.
Organized by Deimos Space, it presented the overall project, the end-to-end satellite processing chain, the individual technologies and the developed applications, giving the opportunity for the consortium to maximise the impact across multiple disciplines and to show the benefits and overcome challenges covered in the project.
It involved the relevant actors of the Space community, thus allowing a “call for ideas” of different new applications/services that the innovative technologies/techniques developed in the project may enable for those actors.

The workshop focused on satellite processing chains for very low latency Earth Observation (EO) product delivery. The main objectives of the workshop have been to present the outcomes of the H2020 EO-ALERT project, finishing now in Q4 of 2021. The workshop also promoted the dissemination of the EO-ALERT project outcomes, with the aim to support its exploitation in up-coming and future EO missions.
EO-ALERT is an H2020 project that has as its principal outcome the definition and development of an EO data and processing chain, based on a novel flight segment architecture that moves optimised key EO data processing elements from the ground segment to on-board the satellite. The project aims at achieving a very low latency (< 5 minutes) in the delivery of EO images and products. Ground test results, using both operational SAR and Optical VHR mission payloads, have shown that real-time (<1 minute) product latency is achieved, globally, in realistic scenarios via the EO-ALERT solution.
EO-ALERT solves the very low latency EO data challenge through a combination of innovations in the on-board elements of the data chain and the communications. The architecture introduces innovative technological solutions, including: on-board image generation and processing for the generation of EO products and alerts for SAR and optical payloads; on-board data compression and encryption; on-board reconfigurable data handling; high-speed on-board avionics; and reconfigurable high data rate communication links to ground.